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What is exactly mean of this error?

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i got this error then i look up in the reference guide
but I still doubt in the "Relative_residual" and "Relative_error"
or please anyone explain me the whole meaning of this error?

Failed to find consistent initial values.
Relative_residual: 3.4e-016, Relative_error: 0.22
Last time step is not converged.

Thank you very much for your help
Pardon for my bad english

1 Reply Last Post 20 janv. 2011, 09:43 UTC−5
Ivar KJELBERG COMSOL Multiphysics(r) fan, retired, former "Senior Expert" at CSEM SA (CH)

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Posted: 1 decade ago 20 janv. 2011, 09:43 UTC−5

I often get this erro too, often the results are still usable but not that precise. I havent identified yet "the" killing parameter tpo solve this issue, a combination of smaller mesh and tunig the solver settings often helps. it arrives in 3.5a and even more often in v4

If you check your doc, I agree you do not get very viser, some examples:

The Relative tolerance value is the relative error tolerance that the ODE solver uses.

Eigenvalue solver: the number that can be specified in the Relative tolerance edit field controls the relative error in the computed eigenvalues.

Use the Relative tolerance edit field to enter a positive number. This number controls how accurately the nonlinear system of equations is solved in each time step. In general, the desired relative error in the solution should be entered here.

The stopping criteria for the iterative solvers are based on an error estimate, which checks if the relative residual times a stability constant ? is less than a tolerance. This tolerance is specified in the Relative error edit field of the operation feature that this attribute belongs to.

Good luck
Hi I often get this erro too, often the results are still usable but not that precise. I havent identified yet "the" killing parameter tpo solve this issue, a combination of smaller mesh and tunig the solver settings often helps. it arrives in 3.5a and even more often in v4 If you check your doc, I agree you do not get very viser, some examples: The Relative tolerance value is the relative error tolerance that the ODE solver uses. Eigenvalue solver: the number that can be specified in the Relative tolerance edit field controls the relative error in the computed eigenvalues. Use the Relative tolerance edit field to enter a positive number. This number controls how accurately the nonlinear system of equations is solved in each time step. In general, the desired relative error in the solution should be entered here. The stopping criteria for the iterative solvers are based on an error estimate, which checks if the relative residual times a stability constant ? is less than a tolerance. This tolerance is specified in the Relative error edit field of the operation feature that this attribute belongs to. ... -- Good luck Ivar

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