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Meshing suggestion

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Hi Comsol Users:
I was looking for some expert opinion about where I should start investigating regarding my problem.

I am having difficulties in meshing and I know it could require some tricks. Currently, I have a contact pair where the upper part goes into the substrate with a prescribed z- displacement of 0.2 um (Please see the attached picture).

I am able to get solution with no problem when I choose "physics controlled mesh" with an element size "finer". However If I go to "extra fine", the solution does not converge. Considering my small displacement, I would like to have finer meshing around the corner of my substrate and coarser as I move away from the contact area.

Can any of you give me any hints what I should start looking at regarding having this custom meshing technique where particular local area inside a square substrate is much finer as compared to other parts ?

Thanks much for any thoughts!

0 Replies Last Post 24 avr. 2014, 12:04 UTC−4
COMSOL Moderator

Hello Eyup Cinar

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