La Bibliothèque d'Applications présente des modèles construits avec COMSOL Multiphysics pour la simulation d'une grande variété d'applications, dans les domaines de l'électromagnétisme, de la mécanique des solides, de la mécanique des fluides et de la chimie. Vous pouvez télécharger ces modèles résolus avec leur documentation détaillée, comprenant les instructions de construction pas-à-pas, et vous en servir comme point de départ de votre travail de simulation. Utilisez l'outil de recherche rapide pour trouver les modèles et applications correspondant à votre domaine d'intérêt. Notez que de nombreux exemples présentés ici sont également accessibles via la Bibliothèques d'Applications intégrée au logiciel COMSOL Multiphysics® et disponible à partir du menu Fichier.

Self-Consistent Schrödinger–Poisson Results for a GaAs Nanowire

This benchmark model simulates a GaAs nanowire using the self-consistent Schrödinger-Poisson theory to compute the electron density and the confining potential profiles. The predefined Schrödinger-Poisson multiphysics coupling feature is combined with the dedicated Schrödinger-Poisson ... En savoir plus

Ray Release from a Dipole Antenna Source (2D Axisymmetric)

In this tutorial model, the far-field radiation pattern of a dipole antenna is computed in a 2D axisymmetric model component. Then, in a separate 3D model component, a ray is released using the far-field radiation pattern to initialize the ray's intensity, polarization, and phase. En savoir plus

Uniaxial Stretching of a Rectangular Sheet

This example demonstrates the wrinkling of a thin rectangular sheet stretched uniaxially. First, a static analysis is performed to determine the region of negative principal stresses without wrinkling. Next, a prestressed buckling analysis is carried out to find out the linearized ... En savoir plus

Thin Layer Chronoamperometry

The common electroanalytical method of exhaustive amperometric detection in a microscopic thin layer is modelled as a 1D-symmetric diffusion problem. The simulated result agrees with the analytical Cottrell equation at short times, and deviates as expected at long times when the ... En savoir plus

Primary Creep Under Nonconstant Load

In this model example, you will study the creep behavior of material under non-constant loading. You will model the primary creep using a Norton–Bailey law and study the difference between the time hardening and the strain hardening methods available in COMSOL Multiphysics. The model is ... En savoir plus

Corner Cube Retroreflector

A corner cube retroreflector can be used to reflect rays in a direction exactly antiparallel to their initial direction, regardless of the angle of incidence. This tutorial shows how to simulate the reflection of a bundle of rays at a corner cube retroreflector using the Geometrical ... En savoir plus

Walking Instability in a Washing Machine

Walking instability, due to non-uniform distribution of clothes, is a common problem in lightweight portable washing machines. This problem is more severe in horizontal-axis washing machines, which are more popular because of their high efficiency in spite of high manufacturing cost. ... En savoir plus

Remeshing in Frequency Bands for Acoustics

This simple tutorial model shows how to set up a parametric sweep over a number of frequency bands (octaves or 1/3 octaves) and remesh once per band. A frequency sweep is performed within each band, which now has an adequate mesh resolution. This approach saves some computational effort ... En savoir plus

Shape and Topology Optimization of Compliant Pliers

Compliant mechanisms are attractive due to their simplicity, owing to their lack of hinges. In this model we show how to design a set of compliant pliers using topology optimization. The resulting design is post-processed using shape optimization, where the maximum stress is constrained ... En savoir plus

Uncertainty Quantification of a Bracket — Fillet Version

This example demonstrates how to use the Uncertainty Quantification Module by running a series of uncertainty quantification studies for a steel bracket. This type of bracket can be used to install an actuator that is mounted on a pin placed between the two holes in the bracket arms. ... En savoir plus