Computer Simulation of Drug Release Kinetics of Mauran-Chitosan Nanoparticle in COMSOL

S. Raveendran[1], S. Sukuvihar[2], S. Kumar[1], and T. Maekawa[1]
[1]Tokyo University
[2]Senshin Technologies
Publié en 2011

• Bionanotechnology is a stream of modern science that deals with the study of biotechnology & nanotechnology applications. • Drug delivery applications as a key area of research attains more critical approaches where the role of nanoparticles are inevitable. • Biocompatible, non-cytotoxic hybrid mauran- chitosan nanoparticles has been synthesized and the drug release kinetics were performed using computer simulation. • Computer simulation of drug release from these nanoparticles were performed using COMSOL4.2a version
