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COMSOL Version 5.2a
Transfer Impedance of a PerforateThermoviscous acoustics simulation solved with the domain decomposition solver. Local acceleration, total acoustic pressure, and total thermo-viscous power dissipation density are shown. This COMSOL® model is used to design microphones and speakers used in consumer products, such as, smartphones, tablets, and laptops. It consists of 2.5 million degrees of freedom and required 14 GB of RAM to solve. Previously 120 GB were needed using a direct solver. |
Inline Induction Heater Simulation AppThis app example shipped with the Application Libraries included in COMSOL Multiphysics® and COMSOL Server™, can be used for the design of a magnetic induction device used for food processing. |
COMSOL Server 5.2aAdministrators can customize the visual theme of the COMSOL Server™ web interface. Colors, logos, and log in screen can be customized and HTML code added for branding purposes.
Ultrasound Flow MeterCOMSOL® numerical simulation of a wetted transient time-of-flight ultrasound flow meter. Ultrasound signal propagating in the device is shown at different time steps. The steady-state background flow in the flow meter is computed first. The Convected Wave Equation, Time Explicit physics interface is then used to model the ultrasound signal propagating in the device. The interface is based on the discontinuous Galerkin method (DG). |
Tetrahedral and Swept Mesh of a Gas TurbineThe latest version of COMSOL® software provides up to a 10x speedup for the handling of large models and mesh creation. A combination of a tetrahedral and swept mesh of a gas turbine is shown.
Bike Frame AnalyzerThis app created with COMSOL Multiphysics® software allows the user to evaluate the structural stress in a bike frame for varying dimensions, materials, and loading conditions. |
Rotordynamics AnalysisPressure distribution in the lubricant of the bearings (rainbow color plot), von Mises stress (blue color plot), and displacement of the bearings (orbit plot) resulting from a rotordynamics analysis. |