Keynote: Developing Cardiovascular Medical Devices with Simulation

Durée: 18:01

The ASCATIM project is focused on the management of a major heart problem that affects people worldwide: myocardial infarction. In this keynote talk from COMSOL Day: Biomedical Technologies, Bertrand Guibert discusses how members of the project are turning to simulation to develop a membrane device that will be used together with an exoskeleton structure to help the heart pump blood. With simulation, the team gains a better understanding of the mechanical behavior of the heart as well as the geometry, material, and fatigue of the membrane.

Bertrand Guibert studied applied mathematics at the University of Lorraine, where he obtained his master's degree in mathematical engineering for data science. He is currently working on his PhD thesis, studying numerical simulation of the heart for the elaboration of medical devices.