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Rising bubble

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Hello comsol community members,

I'm trying to simulate a rising air bubble in water. I found the rising oil bubble application in the application library and tried to adjust it to use air instead of oil, but I'm running into this error:
Repeated error test failures. May have reached a singularity.

I searched for the error and found that it is because there are too little initial conditions. Could anyone assist me finding good initial conditions? Or if there is something else wrong with my model.

I've attached my model.

Kind regards,


1 Reply Last Post 14 mars 2016, 08:16 UTC−4
François Mandias COMSOL Employee

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Posted: 8 years ago 14 mars 2016, 08:16 UTC−4
Dear Jurre,

Better to send this post straight to: support@comsol.com

François Mandias
Dear Jurre, Better to send this post straight to: support@comsol.com Best, François Mandias

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