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How to use "Heat continuity"

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Hi everyone,

I am trying to understand what are the uses of the "Heat Continuity" module in the heat transfer module.

My guess was that this should enable you to create a virtual contact between 2 element that are not touching.

I tried to achieve this with a couple of small calculations and got nothing.

You get a sub-node called "Thermal Insulation" and whatever you might add as a sub node does not behave as intended.

Does anyone here knows how to correctly use this node to achieve continuity? Anyone has a sample code that might shed light on the use of this node?

Thanks in advance

2 Replies Last Post 26 oct. 2011, 10:18 UTC−4
Ivar KJELBERG COMSOL Multiphysics(r) fan, retired, former "Senior Expert" at CSEM SA (CH)

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Posted: 1 decade ago 26 oct. 2011, 02:23 UTC−4

I do not have access to COMSOL just now, so I'm not sure I get fully your question, but for me "heat continuity" is for two overlapping boundaries, typically in "assembly" mode when heat continuity is NOT applied by default all over.

If you have two distinct boundaries, not physically overlapping (i.e. not the same coordinates x,y,z, then you need to use coupling projection or some of the other operators, to map the coordinate values from one boundary to the other

Good luck
Hi I do not have access to COMSOL just now, so I'm not sure I get fully your question, but for me "heat continuity" is for two overlapping boundaries, typically in "assembly" mode when heat continuity is NOT applied by default all over. If you have two distinct boundaries, not physically overlapping (i.e. not the same coordinates x,y,z, then you need to use coupling projection or some of the other operators, to map the coordinate values from one boundary to the other -- Good luck Ivar

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Posted: 1 decade ago 26 oct. 2011, 10:18 UTC−4
Thanks - that makes things clearer.
Thanks - that makes things clearer.

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