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Can't see geometric block when transfer a model from Matlab to Comsol

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Hi all,

I am running Comsol ver. 4.3 build and Matlab 64 bit ver. r2012a.
I want to build a model in Matlab, to run it and then transfer the model from the Comsol server to Comsol client.
I tried the example in the Comsol help file and coded in Matlab the following (just a copy of the help file example):

model = ModelUtil.create('ImportExample');
model.geom('geom1').feature.create('blk1', 'Block');

if I use the following command in Matlab:
mphgeom(model,'geom1', 'facealpha', 0.5);
I get a graph of the block in Matlab figure.

When I transfer this model to Comsol via the command 'File -> Client Server -> Import Model from server...' the model is imported and I can see in the 'Model Builder' the appropriate definitions of the block.
Alas - I can't see the block on the Graphics window even when I push 'build all' as many time as I like :(

I just can't find a way to show anything on the Graphics window.

What am I missing?

Any help will be much appreciated,

0 Replies Last Post 16 oct. 2012, 09:31 UTC−4
COMSOL Moderator

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