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COMSOL with Matlab syntaxis (plotting and extraction datas while optimization solving)

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I'm trying to make belows these days.
First, I've opened a 'Topology Optimization of a Loaded Knee Structure' from the model library that is aleady exist. And I clicked 'reset history' then saved as model M-file to extraction. I turn off the COMSOL and run COMSOL with Matlab for using the M-file what I extracted.
Now I can do some implement on COMSOL with Matlab except COMSOL Multiphysics. But I couldn't use so many commanders freely still. Of course nowdays I'm studying through pdf files which are 'COMSOL Java API Reference Guide' and 'Live Link For MATLAB Users Guide', etc.

my questions:

<1> How do I plot while solving on COMSOL with Matlab?
--> I can only do optimal plotting (just single picture) when entire loops or iterations end. (by using the 'mphplot' syntax)
--> I saw some syntaxis 'PlotWhileSolving' or just 'Plot' which are marked on pdf files, but it hadn't possible.
--> I want to plot while solving on not COMSOL Multiphysic but COMSOL with Matlab, I mean using the Matlab 'figure' or 'window'.

<2> I want to extract datas that are objective function, design variables and sensitivity vlause... something that... each iteration on COMSOL with Matlab. could you teach me a class or structure syntax?

I'll wait good news. (I attached all files)
Best Regards.

1 Reply Last Post 26 nov. 2013, 04:56 UTC−5
COMSOL Moderator

Hello Kee Seung Oh

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Posted: 1 decade ago 26 nov. 2013, 04:56 UTC−5
Hi there.

Did you find a method to extract the iterative results?

I'm currently looking for ways to do exactly this. Up until know I have needed only to extract the accumulated table _after_ the optimisation process where done. However extracting the results on a iterative/stepwise manner does not seem to be quite as easy, if possible at all.

Best Regards
Hi there. Did you find a method to extract the iterative results? I'm currently looking for ways to do exactly this. Up until know I have needed only to extract the accumulated table _after_ the optimisation process where done. However extracting the results on a iterative/stepwise manner does not seem to be quite as easy, if possible at all. -- Best Regards Joakim

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