Flow Distributor Optimization in a Tubular Reactor

J. O. R. Lizarazo [1], L. A. S. Mejía [1], M. I. J. Gutierrez [1], J. A. P. Avella [1],
[1] Grupo de Investigaciones en Minerales, Biohidrometalurgia y Ambiente - GIMBA, Universidad Industrial de Santander, Bucaramanga, Santander, Colombia
Publié en 2016

In the poster you can see a project where using computational tools like the COMSOL Multiphysics® software, hydrodynamics of a photo electrocatalytic reactor was studied. It was evident that the influential factor is the geometry of inlet and exit header. Therefore, these changes were made to reduce the effects of input/output and thus improve the hydrodynamics of the fluid in the reactor. As a final study, the reactor simulation with the proposed amendments to compare analytically performed.