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Consultez les proceedings de la Conference COMSOL 2020

2020 - Europex

Reactive Transport Modelling In Active Clays Using COMSOL Multiphysics®

V. Cabrera1, Á. Yustres1, R. López-Vizcaíno1, V. Navarro1
1Geoenvironmental Group, Civil Engineering School, University of Castilla-La Mancha, Avda. Camilo José Cela s/n, 13071 Ciudad Real, Spain

The study of the movement of solutes and their interaction with the solid phase of active clays is a problem of maximum interest in various geoenvironmental engineering applications, but especially in the deep geological disposal of spent nuclear fuel and other highly radioactive ... En savoir plus

Optimizing and Improving the Intensity Flux in a Reflective Type Laser Focusing system

Rufus Patrick1, Ashok Sharma1
1L&T Defence, India

Abstract. A Laser Focusing system (LFS) focuses a single laser beam (single Channel) or multiple laser beams (multi - channel) onto a surface (Specimen). The general motive of a LFS is to focus a train of brief pulses or a continuous beam of light onto a Specimen which heats up its ... En savoir plus

Hybrid 2D/3D fully coupled electrothermal model for three-core submarine armored cables

Juan Carlos del-Pino-López1, PedroCruz-Romero1
1Universidad de Sevilla, Spain

It is a fact that IEC 60287 standard introduces important errors in the computation of the armor losses of submarine three-core lead sheathed armored cables, since the twisting of phases and armor wires is not considered. This results in an overestimation of cable size, and hence its ... En savoir plus

Revisiting Stress Singularity / Concentration Examples with COMSOL Multiphysics®

1CSEM SA, Neuchâtel, Switzerland

Numerical stress singularities (SS) and "true" stress concentration (SC) are regularly encountered in structural analysis and need to be acknowledged with care, such to obtain sustainable models. By following Tony ABBEY's interesting and free Talk-Events over the last months (https:/ ... En savoir plus

Numerical simulation of pesticide spray distribution by UAV for Precision Agriculture

F. Brarda1, P. Causin1, E. Ferrari2, S. Marai 2, R. Oberti2
1Dept of Mathematics, University of Milano, Italy
2Dept. of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences - Production, Landscape, Agroenergy University of Milano, Italy

Precision agriculture is a multidisciplinary approach that integrates agronomy, engineering, and as well mathematics to improve on agricultural outcomes: one of the main challenges is to develop efficient management systems to effectively distribute (and reduce the use of) pesticides ... En savoir plus

Estimation of Temperature, Microstructure and Deformations in Strip Hardening Industrial Process

Yalçın Kaymak1, Andreas Heßler2, Roman Kuziak3
1VDEh-Betriebsforschungsinstitut (BFI), Düsseldorf, NRW, Germany
2HUGO VOGELSANG GmbH & Co. KG (HUVO), Hagen, NRW, Germany
3Instytut metalurgii zelaza (IMZ), Gliwice, Poland

In automotive and construction markets, the quest for high strength to weight ratio components is continuously increasing. Therefore, reducing the rejection level of the heat treated advanced high strength steel (AHSS) strips is an active research area. In this study , the evolution of ... En savoir plus

Modeling of an industrial scale packed bed reactor for steam reforming applications.

A. Biasin1, M. Guiotto1
1CASALE SA, Lugano, Switzerland

In this work, the modeling of an industrial scale, single tube, packed bed reactor for steam reforming (SR) application, typically used to provide hydrogen for ammonia synthesis, is discussed. The tightly coupled mass, energy, and momentum equations used to describe the system have been ... En savoir plus

Pulsed Electric Field Analysis for Wine Treatment in Static and Continuous-flow Chambers with COMSOL Multiphysics®

P. Casti1, M. Salmeri1, I. Bertini2, F. Bonfà2
1University of Rome Tor Vergata, Rome, Italy
2ENEA, Casaccia, Rome, Italy

Pulsed Electric Field (PEF) technology is gaining much attention in the food industry, as it offers unique advantages in terms of food safety, preservation of the organoleptic and nutrients properties, and low energetic requirements. Winemaking processes, in particular, can greatly ... En savoir plus

Optical Performance Assessment of a Solar Collector with a Static Concentrator

J. Goettsche1, S. Alexopoulos1, A. Dümmler1, G. Breitbach1
1FH Aachen, Solar-Institut Jülich, Germany

In this paper a specific version of radiation collecting troughs is investigated. The trough arrangement has a shape which is a combination of a circular arc and adjacent parabolic curve pieces based on a paper by Tripanagnostopoulos [1]. An absorbing tube can be placed at varying ... En savoir plus

Electro-Thermal Analysis of a Micro Heater for aerosol generation application

M.Saberi1, U.Pelz1, M.Ghanam1, T. Bilger1, A.Jamali1, E. Bäumker1, P. Woias1, F. Goldschmidtböing1
1Institut für Mikrosystemtechnik (IMTEK), Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany

There is an increasing demand for aerosol devices from E-cigarettes to drug delivery devices with precise dosage. [1][2] The aim of this article is to investigate a Poly-Si micro heater in a vapor generator device. In order to calculate the amount of vapor production, temperature ... En savoir plus