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Bioscience and Bioengineeringx

An Elastic and Hyperelastic Material Model of Joint Cartilage - Calculation of the Pressure Dependent Modulus of Elasticity by Comparison with Experiments and Simulations

T. Reuter, and M. Hoffmann
fzmb GmbH
Research Centre of Medical Technology and Biotechnology
Bad Langensalza, Germany

In this paper we introduce a elastic and hyperelastic model to describe the biomechanics of joint cartilage. As biomechanical property we calculated the pressure dependent E-modulus E = f(s) to describe the dependence of the biomechanical properties on pressure. The calculation based on ... En savoir plus

Modeling Arterial Drug Transport From Drug-eluting Stents: Effect of Blood Flow on the Concentration Distribution Close to the Endothelial Surface

F. Bozsak, J.-M. Chomaz, and A. I. Barakat
LadHyX, Ecole Polytechnique
Palaiseau, France

Drug-eluting stents (DES) are commonly used for treating coronary atherosclerosis. Despite the broad effectiveness of DES, ~5% of treated patients experience complications including in-stent restenosis and late-stent thrombosis. Furthermore, drugs used in DES not only inhibit ... En savoir plus

Finite Element Analysis of Equine Tooth Movement Under Masticatory Loading

M. Gardemin[1], M. Lüpke[1], V. Cordes[2], and C. Staszyk[2]
[1]Institute for General Radiology and Medical Physics, University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover, Hannover, Germany
[2]Institute of Anatomy, University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover, Hannover, Germany

Like humans, horses can develop a variety of dental problems. Different equine diseases occur in different areas of the equine cheek tooth or its surrounding tissues. With a realistic simulation of a chewing cycle it can be possible to link mechanical phenomena such as high stress in ... En savoir plus

Numerical Homogenization in Multi-scale Models of Musculoskeletal Mineralized Tissues

A. Gerisch[1], S. Tiburtius[1], Q. Grimal[2], and K. Raum[3]
[1]Technische Universität Darmstadt, Darmstadt, Germany
[2]Laboratoire d’Imagerie Paramétrique, UPMC, Paris, France
[3]Julius Wolff Institut & Berlin-Brandenburg School for Regenerative Therapies, Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Berlin, Germany

Musculoskeletal mineralized tissues (MMTs), e.g. bone, are hierarchical composite materials. Their effective elastic properties at different scales are of interest for computational studies of the MMT’s response to mechanical loading but also to realistically simulate implant ... En savoir plus

Simulating Organogenesis in COMSOL

D. Iber, D. Menshykau, and P. Germann
ETH Zürich
Department of Biosystems Science and Engineering
Basel, Switzerland

Organogenesis is a tightly regulated process that has been studied experimentally for decades. Computational models can help to integrate available knowledge and to better understand the underlying regulatory logic. We are currently studying mechanistic models for the development of ... En savoir plus

Comparison of Computational Methods for the Estimation of the Dielectrophoretic Force Acting on Biological Cells and Aggregates in Silicon Lab-on-chip

S. Burgarella[1], F. Maggioni[2], and G. Naldi[2]
[1]STMicroelectronics, Agrate Brianza, Milan, Italy
[2]Department of Mathematics, University of Milan, Milan, Italy

Dielectrophoresis is a method for cell manipulation in miniaturized devices exploiting the dielectric properties of cells and/or cellular aggregates suspended in a fluid and subjected to a high-gradient electric field. The mathematical expression of the force is obtained by a multipole ... En savoir plus

Polymer Compositional Profile Controls By-Product Fate from Erodible Endovascular Scaffolds

T. Shazly, and J. Ferdous
Biomedical Eng., Mechanical Eng. Dept.
University of South Carolina
Columbia, SC

Erodible polymeric scaffolds can mitigate long-term risks associated with permanent implants currently used to treat ischemic artery disease. However, safe deployment of erodible scaffolds is predicated on understanding the interactions between evolved material by-products and local ... En savoir plus

Dynamic Simulation of Bone Morphogenetic Protein Patterning in a 3D Finite-Element Model of the Danio Rerio Embryo

D. Umulis, and S. Lee
Purdue University
West Lafayette, IN

Zebrafish development of the dorsoventral axis relies on the spatiotemporal distribution of Bone Morphogenetic Protein (BMP) signaling, which is regulated by numerous secreted molecules such as Tolloid, Sizzled, and Chordin. The rich dorsal/ventral patterning network must achieve both ... En savoir plus

Analyzing Drug Delivery and Osteoblast Growth on a Porous Scaffold in a Perfusion Bioreactor

A. Sun, and S. Murray
Dept. of Biomedical Engineering
UCLA, Los Angeles, CA

Implantable Collagen sponges are used in Spinal Surgery as Drug Delivery Scaffolds. An optimal concentration of growth factor that strikes a balance between bone growth and adverse diffusion effects is difficult to find. The porous sponge also serves as a scaffold for Osteoblast growth, ... En savoir plus

Muscle-Electrode Interface Simulation

A. Altamirano, C. Toledo, A. Vera, R. Muñoz, and L. Leija
Centro de Investigacion y Estudios Avanzados
Instituto Politecnico Nacional

In this article, the aim is to study different types and forms of electromyography (EMG) electrodes, for bipolar configuration, and the electric interface with muscle phantom. COMSOL Multiphysics allows modeling shapes and contact surfaces. Surface and needle electrodes will be modeled. ... En savoir plus