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Consultez les proceedings de la Conference COMSOL 2020

Simulation of Pumping Induced Groundwater Flow in Unconfined Aquifer Using Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian Method

Y. Jin[1], E. Holzbecher[1], S. Ebneth[2]
[1]Department of Applied Geology, Georg-August-University, Göttingen, Germany
[2]Hoelscher Dewatering, Haren, Germany

A novel numerical method characterizing groundwater flow in unconfined aquifer is demonstrated. In contrast to the conventional method (Dupuit approach considering horizontal flow only), hydraulic head is simulated in horizontal and vertical directions. The new approach is introduced via ... En savoir plus

Modelization of Photoacoustic Trace Gases Sensors

B. Parvitte[1], C. Risser[1], R. Vallon[1], V. Zéninari[1]
[1]GSMA - Université de Reims, Reims, France

This paper aims to demonstrate the simulation of photoacoustic signals using FEM software. The Acoustics Module of the software COMSOL Multiphysics is used to calculate the response of a differential Helmholtz resonator cell. In a second part a preliminary result obtained with the ... En savoir plus

Building a Complex Geological Model Using Parametric Surfaces

S. Hoyer[1], M. Bottig[1], F. Zekiri[1], G. Götzl[1], A.K. Brüstle[1], G. Schubert[1], A. Nador[2]
[1]Geological survey of Austria, Vienna, Austria
[2]Geological Institute of Hungary, Budapest, Hungary

Temperature measurements of the subsurface are available due to hydrocarbon exploration in the project area, where the average drilling depth is about 2-4 km and the deepest well reaches about 8.5 km. Since the data is heavily uneven distributed, standard interpolation techniques did not ... En savoir plus

Magnetotelluric Response Distortion Over Rugged Topography

D. Rizzello[1], P. Canepa[1], E. Armadillo[1]
[1]DISTAV - University of Genova, Genova, Italy

Topographic effects on magnetotelluric responses may be severe on rugged terrains. Finite elements simulation is a valuable tool to quantify this effect, due to its capability to match real morphologies. To do the estimate of the distortion, the AC/DC Module of COMSOL has been employed, ... En savoir plus

Highly Concentrated Solar Radiation Measurement by Means of an Inverse Method

L. Mongibello[1], N. Bianco[2], R. Fucci[1], F. Moscariello[2]
[1]ENEA - Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development, Portici, Italy
[2]DETEC - Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, Napoli, Italy

This work focuses on the numerical analysis conducted on the prototype sensor for the measurement of highly concentrated radiative heat fluxes, based on an inverse heat transfer method, realized at the ENEA Portici Research Center in collaboration with the DETEC department of the ... En savoir plus

3D Modeling of Fracture Flow in Core Samples Using ?-CT Data

S. Hoyer[1], U. Exner[2], M. Voorn[1], A. Rath[3]
[1]Department of Geodynamics and Sedimentology, University of Vienna, Austria
[2]Museum of Natural History, Vienna, Austria
[3]OMV ESG-D Production Geology, Vienna, Austria

Knowledge on flow behavior in fractured reservoir rocks is of great interest in petroleum engineering as well as for geothermal assets. Due to the big difference of magnitude (fracture aperture: ~?m, lateral extension of reservoirs ~km), modeling of discrete fracture flow is not ... En savoir plus

Simulation of Current Density for Electroplating on Silicon Using a Hull Cell

F. Lima[1], U. Mescheder[1], H. Reinecke[3]
[1]Hochschule Furtwangen University, Furtwangen, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany
[3]Institut für Mikrosystemtechnik, Freiburg im Breisgau, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany

Electrodeposition has a major advantage over other methods of thin film deposition. It allows deposition at atmospheric pressure and room temperature, requiring inexpensive equipment. However, there are several parameters which can influence an electroplated metal layer quality. The ... En savoir plus

Theoretical Simulations of Silicon-On-Nothing (SON) Structures

C. Grau Turuelo[1], B. Bergmann[1], C. Breitkopf[1], F. Hoffmann[2], L. Brencher[2]
[1]Technische Universität Dresden, Dresden, Saxony, Germany
[2]Infineon Technologies GmbH, Dresden, Dresden, Saxony, Germany

A novel technique for semiconductor manufacturing is introduced: Silicon-On-Nothing. This process consists of an initial cylindrical trench which has a shape evolution under certain conditions: high temperature (1100 °C), low pressure (10 Torr) and a non-oxidizing atmosphere such as ... En savoir plus

3D Simulation of Air-Glass Heat Exchange in a Set of Vials

G. Mongatti[1], A. Borelli[1]
[1]Marchesini Group, Pianoro, Italy

In this model a three-dimensional heat transfer analysis was performed by using COMSOL Multiphysics\' Heat Transfer Module. The model is about the heating of a set of vials (Figure 1) in a current of hot air in the laminar regime. We used time dependent studies to predict the thermal ... En savoir plus

BHE Field Design by Superposition of Effects in Space and Time

S. Lazzari[1], E. Zanchini[1]
[1]DIENCA - University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy

A design method for BHE fields in the absence of groundwater flow is presented, based on the superposition of effects. The effects of any periodic heat load with a period of one year can be obtained by a weighted sum of the effects of a monthly unit step heat load, properly displaced in ... En savoir plus