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Simulation of a Forming Process for Joining a Piezo Aluminium Module

M. Hackert, S.F. Jahn, and A. Schubert
Chemnitz University of Technology, Chair Micromanufacturing Technology, Germany

The fabrication of piezo aluminium composite modules for sensor and actor applications with mass production technologies is in the scope of the SFB/Transregio 39 PT-PIESA project funded by the (German Research Foundation). After forming of cavities with a width of 0.3 mm into aluminium ... En savoir plus

Simulation of the Mechanical Stability of Inkjet-Printed Hierarchical Microsieves

S.F. Jahn[1,3], S. Ebert[2], M. Hackert[1], W.A. Goedel[2], R.R. Baumann[3], and A. Schubert[1,4]
[1]Chemnitz University of Technology, Chair Micromanufacturing Technology, Germany
[2]Chemnitz University of Technology, Physical Chemistry, Germany
[3]Chemnitz University of Technology, Professorship for Digital Printing and Imaging, Germany
[4]Fraunhofer Institute for Machine Tools and Forming Technology, Chemnitz, Germany

Porous membranes with pore sizes in the micrometer scale are required in many micro systems dedicated to biological and chemical applications. If their thickness is in the same dimension like the pore diameter they are called microsieves. On the one hand, a thin membrane guarantees a ... En savoir plus

Simulation of a Modular Die Stamp for Micro Impact Extrusion

A. Schubert[1][2], R. Pohl[1], and M. Hackert[1]
[1]Chair Micromanufacturing Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Chemnitz University of Technology, Chemnitz, Germany
[2]Fraunhofer Institute for Machine Tools and Forming Technology, Chemnitz, Germany

Micro impact extrusion is investigated at Chemnitz University of Technology as a potential procedure for large area machining of micro cavities within the scope of the SFB/Transregio 39 PT-PIESA of the German Research Foundation. Applying impact extrusion micro forming is done by ... En savoir plus

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