Centre d'apprentissage

Introduction to Modeling Periodic Structures

The RF Module and Wave Optics Module are add-on products to the COMSOL Multiphysics® software that provide expanded functionality and capabilities for simulating RF and wave optics devices. In this previously held webinar, we begin with a general overview of the software and then provide a comparison of the RF Module and Wave Optics Module. This includes a look at the different physics interfaces in each module and what they are used for. We also discuss what periodic structures are and cover some common examples, including:

  • Optical gratings
  • Frequency-selective surfaces
  • Electromagnetic band gap structures
  • Metamaterials

From there, we provide a detailed look at a periodic structure unit cell and discuss the process of simulating such structures. This is followed by a demonstration of how to build a model of a hexagonal grating.

At the end of the webinar, we highlight the relevant features and functionality of the RF Module and Wave Optics Module as of version 5.6 of the software.

This webinar is relevant to recently released versions of COMSOL Multiphysics®. You may notice small differences between versions.

You can learn more about the RF Module and Wave Optics Module by visiting their respective product pages.

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