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General Issues
- KB 933: Troubleshooting graphics issues
- KB 1083: Error: An error has occurred. See the log file C:\Users...
- KB 1285: Graphics Window not responding on computer with Intel Iris Xe graphics chip
- KB 1290: Graphical Glitches in the User Interface on Gaming Computers
License Errors
- KB 903: Could not obtain license for COMSOL Multiphysics GUI
- KB 1022: License Error: -25 or FlexNet Licensing error:-21,126
- KB 1252: License error -5,414 in COMSOL Multiphysics 5.4
- KB 1289: Network connect to THIS_HOST failed
Floating Network License Administrative Issues
- KB 1016: Overview of License borrowing
- KB 1058: How to administrate multiple floating network license files on one license server
- KB 1059: Error: Licensed number of users already reached
- KB 1078: Problems running a classkit license (CKL)
- KB 1142: How can I see who is currently using a floating network license?
- KB 1211: How to administrate a COMSOL Multiphysics Floating Network License and a COMSOL Server License on the same license server
- KB 1253: When the primary server for our license server triad crashes, license handling does not work.
- KB 1288: How can I check if I can connect to the license server?
Installing Interfacing Products
The following articles address issues that may arise when installing interfacing products.
- KB 1221: Repairing the LiveLink Interface Using the COMSOL Installer
- KB 1093: Error: Failure loading MATLAB libraries. This model requires that MATLAB is available.
- KB 1122: Error: Failed to connect to SOLIDWORKS
- KB 1158: Parameter Selection Is Not Available in the PTC Creo Parametric User Interface
- KB 1159: Parameter Selection Is Not Available in the PTC Pro/ENGINEER User Interface
- KB 1160: Error: Failed to connect to Solid Edge
- KB 1162: Error: Failed to connect to PTC Pro/ENGINEER
- KB 1163: Error: Failed to connect to Inventor
- KB 1167: Error: Failed to connect to Inventor LT
- KB 1218: Error: Failed to connect to PTC Creo Parametric
- KB 1234: An error is returned when running mphlaunch and mphstart
Linux and Mac Specific
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Mécanique des fluides (2)
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Modèles utilisateurs (1)
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