Toutes les solutions
Troubleshooting Graphics Issues
Solution numéro: 933 Versions: Toutes les versionsI am experiencing graphics issues in COMSOL Multiphysics, what can I do about it? This entry is meant as listing general strategies when experiencing graphics issues in COMSOL Multiphysics. More problem-specific fixes ...
Computing Time and Space Integrals
Solution numéro: 913 Versions: Toutes les versionsHow do I compute integrals over space or time? What if I want to use the result of these integrals elsewhere in my model? The COMSOL Multiphysics architecture allows you to evaluate integrals in both space and time in ...
How does COMSOL Multiphysics handle complex-valued numbers and problems in the frequency domain?
Solution numéro: 878 Se réfère à: AC/DC Module, Acoustics Module, COMSOL Multiphysics, MEMS Module, Plasma Module, RF Module, Semiconductor Module, Structural Mechanics Module, Wave Optics Module Versions: Toutes les versionsHow does COMSOL Multiphysics handle complex-valued numbers and problems in the frequency domain? Should I use the RMS, the peak, or the instantaneous value to specify sources in models being solved in the frequency ...
What Does Degrees of Freedom (DOFs) Mean in COMSOL Multiphysics?
Solution numéro: 875 Versions: Toutes les versionsWhat does degrees of freedom (DOFs) mean in COMSOL Multiphysics? The solution time and memory requirements are strongly related to the number of degrees of freedom in the model. It is often desirable to be able to ...
Modeling of Step Transitions
Solution numéro: 905 Versions: Toutes les versionsYou may want to define loads, material properties, or boundary conditions that vary abruptly with respect to the solution, or with respect to time. This can, however, lead to a solution which is discontinuous in space ...
Can COMSOL import topological data, meshes and images?
Solution numéro: 838 Versions: Toutes les versionsCan COMSOL Multiphysics import meshes, topological data, and images? ##Importing Meshes Mimics and ScanIP can export volumetric meshes on COMSOL's own mesh format created from 3D scans, that can be directly imported ...
Obtaining a HostID for Licensing
Solution numéro: 828 Versions: Toutes les versionsHow do I obtain a HostID for my license file? For many license types in the COMSOL product family, your COMSOL sales representative will ask you for some information in order to create installation codes. COMSOL uses ...
How do I solve a PDE with space derivatives of order higher than two?
Solution numéro: 816 Versions: Toutes les versionsHow do I solve a PDE with space derivatives of order higher than two? For example, the equation for a function . Introduce names for the second derivatives of u, say . Then the equation can be written . ...
Could Not Obtain License for COMSOL Multiphysics GUI
Solution numéro: 903 Versions: Toutes les versionsAny of the following errors can appear for example if the COMSOL application has problems communicating with the license manager: License error: -15. Cannot connect to license server system. License error: -96. ...
Handling Large Models
Solution numéro: 830 Versions: Toutes les versionsModels with many domains, boundaries, and physics features are slow to work with. Large models can contain hundreds or even thousands of domains, boundaries, and physics features. Such a large number of features ...
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