LiveLink™ for Inventor® Updates
For users of LiveLink™ for Inventor®, COMSOL Multiphysics® software version 5.4 brings support for synchronizing read-only parameters, object selections generated for material selections, and an updated tutorial model. See the LiveLink™ for Inventor® updates in more detail below.
Support for Synchronizing Read-Only Parameters
Dimensional parameters that are controlled by an equation in the CAD model can now be transferred during synchronization. These parameters are treated as read-only parameters and are available for use in a COMSOL Multiphysics® model. The values of these parameters cannot be changed inside the model, but they are updated with each synchronization based on the changes in the CAD model.

After synchronization, the d0 parameter appears in the Read-only parameters table and the associated global parameter, LL_d0, can be used in the simulation setup.
Object Selections Generated for Material Selections
Material selections, which are generated from the material assignments in the CAD model, are now available as general object selections. These selections are available in the lists of input objects for the geometry feature nodes, below the LiveLink™ node in a geometry sequence.

The synchronized Copper material selection can be accessed as input to the Union 1 operation to form the union of all objects that have been assigned the Copper material in the Inventor® file.
Updated Tutorial: Electrical Heating in a Busbar Assembly
This updated tutorial model analyzes a larger busbar assembly designed to conduct direct currents, from a current source, to the anode, in an electrolysis process. Selections defined in the CAD assembly files are used to assign materials and boundary settings in the simulation. A parametric sweep over two parameters in the Inventor® assembly has been included to study the influence of the geometry on the physics phenomena, and the results of the sweep are visualized through a Table Surface plot. This can help in selecting geometric parameter combinations that keep the maximum temperature in the copper components below the desired maximum value.

Updated Support for New CAD File Format Versions
The CAD file import and export functionality has been extended to support new versions for the following file formats:
Read from File
- AutoCAD® (.dxf, .dwg): 2018 and 2019
- Inventor® (.iam, .ipt): 2018 and 2019
- NX™ (.prt): 12
- Parasolid® (.x_t, .xmt_txt, .x_b, .xmt_bin): V31.0
- PTC Creo Parametric™ (.prt, .asm): 5.0
- SOLIDWORKS® (.sldprt, .sldasm): 2018
Write to File
- Parasolid® (.x_t, .xmt_txt, .x_b, .xmt_bin): V31.0
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