Microfluidics Module Updates
For users of the Microfluidics Module, COMSOL Multiphysics® version 5.5 brings inelastic non-Newtonian constitutive relations in two-phase flow, an Interior Slip Wall feature, two new Pair features, Continuity and Initial Interface in the Two-Phase Flow, Phase Field interface, and two new optimization tutorials. Read more about these features and functionality below.
Inelastic Non-Newtonian Constitutive Relations
Many fluids are non-Newtonian, that is, the relationship between strain and stress is nonlinear. Non-Newtonian behavior can, for example, be observed in aqueous solutions of corn starch, ketchup, blood, and paper pulp. Users of the Microfluidics Module can now simulate two-phase flow of inelastic non-Newtonian fluids using either the Level Set or Phase Field models.

Interior Slip Wall Feature
Thin barriers in the flow field can be modeled more efficiently by ignoring their thickness and thus treating them as interior surfaces in 3D, or interior edges in 2D. For users of the Slip Flow interface, the new Interior Slip Wall feature can be used to apply slip conditions, due to noncontinuum effects in viscosity and/or thermal creep, on both sides of an interior barrier.

Continuity and Initial Interface Pair Features
On interior boundaries across which the mesh is discontinuous, such as when two domains slide against each other, the phase-field variables can be made continuous by applying one of two new Pair features: the Continuity and Initial Interface pairs. The Initial Interface pair can, in addition to enforcing continuity of the phase-field variables, be used to smooth an initial discontinuity that may occur as a result of specifying different phases on adjacent domains.

New Tutorial Models
Version 5.5 brings two new tutorial models.
Parameter Optimization of a Tesla Microvalve
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Shape Optimization of a Tesla Microvalve
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